Massage Therapy School

Massage Therapy School Program

There’s no better time to begin a career as a massage therapist. Massage therapy has experienced a surge in demand in recent years as more people recognize the benefits of a holistic approach to health and wellness. The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook projects a 21% increase in demand over the next decade. This is growth rate is over five times the average for all other occupations. It’s likely this number will increase as more healthcare providers integrate massage therapy into their treatment plans.

A Rewarding Career

Attending Gould’s Massage Therapy Program in Memphis is a direct path to a rewarding career with staying power. Massage therapy is as old as human history, and there are volumes of literature supporting techniques and methodologies spanning back hundreds of years. The art and science of massage is continually evolving. Gould’s Massage Therapy Program will give you the foundational knowledge and latest innovations so you can make an immediate impact once you begin your career as a massage therapist. Once you graduate and become licensed, you’ll have abundant opportunities and paths to choose from including – self-employment, chiropractors, hospitals, sports teams, spa/hotel/resort, and holistic wellness.

Your Complete Massage Therapy Toolkit

Gould’s Massage Therapy Program is comprehensive. You’ll leave with a broad scope of capabilities including everything you need to offer a diverse set of skills to your future clients. You will start by taking general courses to build a solid foundation in your understanding of massage therapy.

Educational materials you’ll be learning from include:

  • Massage Therapy Principles and Practice, 6th Edition
  • Mosby’s Pathology for Massage Therapists, 4th Edition
  • Kinesiology, The Skeletal System and Muscle Function, 3rd Edition
  • The Muscle & Bone Palpation Manual, 2nd Edition
  • Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals Exam Pro (Online Program)

Tools You Will Receive in Your Student Kit

  • All Textbooks 
  • One (1) Google Chromebook
  • One (1) portable massage table
  • Two (2) sets massage linens
  • Two (2) massage lotion bottles
  • Two (2) massage bottle holsters

Massage Therapy Course Levels

The following is the breakdown of what to expect in each term of the massage therapy program. Every student will have hands on practice in massage therapy during each term. You will learn many different massage techniques including Swedish (the basis for all other modalities). You’ll be introduced to deep tissue, sports massage, chair massage, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, prenatal massage, lymphatic drainage, muscle energy technique, stretching, energy work, and more.

TERM 1You’ll learn basic body sciences and how those sciences relate to massage therapy along with the essential foundational knowledge of soft tissue manipulation and techniques.

TERM 2 – You’ll continue to build on your knowledge of body sciences and anatomy and physiology. In the second term you will also learn specific techniques and pathologies from special populations of clients such as geriatric, cancer, and trauma survivors.

TERM 3In the third term your anatomy and physiology classes will move into kinesiology. You’ll be exposed to, and practice, various complimentary modalities and bodywork therapies.

TERM 4Term four will develop your skills in massage research and literacy as well as include a comprehensive review of the anatomy and physiology material covered in the previous terms. You’ll learn best business practices including state laws regarding massage therapy, employment law, how to prepare taxes and more. In addition, you’ll Finally, you will complete 100 clinical hours working onsite in our student clinic. These hours will be completed under the direct supervision of a licensed massage therapist instructor. A rigorous and thorough preparation for the Massage and Bodywork Licensing Exam (MBLEx) that must be passed prior to application for a massage therapy license.

TERM 5Finally, you will complete 100 clinical hours working onsite in our student clinic. These hours will be completed under the direct supervision of a licensed massage therapist instructor.

Massage Therapy Course Hour Requirements

Massage therapist students must successfully complete 700 contact hours. The course runs for 45 weeks and is composed of the following required units:
GAMIT102 - Fundamentals Of Massage Therapy/Review & Practice I (75 Contact Hours)
This course is a combination of lecture and clinical hours in the theory and practice of massage therapy. The course will introduce you to the basic foundations in the field of massage therapy. This will include learning the history of the field, and how that has grown and affected the field as we now know it. You will learn basic medical terminology which includes but is not limited to prefixes, suffixes, and root words. You’ll learn and demonstrate proper hygiene, sanitation practices, and universal standard precautions. You will learn the ethics of appropriate touch and behavior. You’ll also learn how to work and interact with clients professionally. This will include becoming proficient in the process of client intake, consultation and charting (SOAP notes,) draping, body mechanics and self-care. You will be introduced, and begin to practice, basic soft tissue manipulations.
GAMT201 - Body Science/A&P II (75 Contact Hours)
This course will continue the study of the body systems that was begun in GAMT101 and build upon that knowledge to complete the study of each of the individual body systems. You will learn the pathologies that affect each of the systems of the body as it pertains to the field of massage therapy. You will also learn to develop a treatment plan for dealing with trauma and pathologies relating to the body as a whole. You’ll also learn the determining factors that would lead to referring out the client.
GAMT202 Special Populations/Review & Practice II (75 Contact hours)
This course is a combination of lecture and clinical hours in the theory and practice of massage therapy in relation to special populations and pathologies. You will learn about special populations of clients that may be encountered once a licensed and practicing massage therapist. These populations will have specific indications, contraindications and pathologies that will have to be addressed. You’ll learn how to recognize these and when to refer the client out. Some of the populations that you’ll learn about include but are not limited to; pregnancy, oncology, geriatrics, minors, grief, trauma survivors, PTSD, HIV/AIDS, and autoimmune disorders. You will then practice hands on treatment of these special populations through simulations.
GAMT301 - Kinesiology/A&P III (75 Contact Hours)
This course will focus on the structure and function of the body, specifically focusing on the muscles of the body. You will learn the theory and practice of how each of the muscles of the body works in relation to each other in regards to the practice of massage therapy. You will learn and develop palpation skills that will allow them to identify each muscle, the origin and insertion of the muscles, and whether it is shortened or lengthened. Through learned muscle testing you will be able to determine if muscles are weakened and the proper response and treatment if there is pain during range of motion testing of the muscle. You will also learn and demonstrate proper and safe methods of stretching clients, focusing on major muscle groups.
GAMT302 - Massage Modalities & Complementary Therapies/Review &Practice III (75 Contact Hours)
This course is a combination of lecture and clinical hours in the theory and practice of massage modalities and complementary therapies. This course will reinforce the recognition of pathologies and whether or not clients would be indicated or contraindicated to receive specific modalities or therapies found to be complementary to the practice of massage therapy. You will be introduced to, and demonstrate basic proficiency in modalities and complementary therapies including but not limited to; deep tissue, hot stone, aromatherapy, myofascial release, neuromuscular, medical, lymphatic drainage, trigger point, sports, and chair massage. You will also learn and demonstrate proficiency in hydrotherapy treatments such as, but not limited to, body scrubs, wraps, and other spa treatments.
GAMT401 - Massage & Bodywork Research Literacy/A&P Cumulative Review (75 Contact Hours)
This course is combination of lecture and clinical hours in the theory and demonstration of how massage research relates to the practical knowledge and practice of massage therapy. This course explores massage therapy research methods and theories and how current medical research knowledge could benefit the massage therapist. You will be given foundational knowledge to review research literature and apply this knowledge to the practice of massage therapy. Reviewing the cumulative knowledge from their previous classes they will demonstrate their proficiency in massage research by preparing an individual case study based on their research and hands on practice.
GAMT402 - Business Practices For The Massage Therapist/Mblex Preparation (75 Contact Hours)
This class will allow you to become familiar with current business practices related to the field of massage therapy and how it relates to different working environments (e.g.; self-employed, employee, independent contractor,) this will include, but not be limited to, documentation and record keeping, HIPPA, income tax, and marketing. You will develop a business plan demonstrating their working knowledge of the profession. In this class you will also learn the most up to date statutes and regulations set by the Tennessee Massage Therapy Board. You will also become certified in CPR/First Aid through the American Heart Association. You will review and prepare for the Massage & Bodywork Licensing Exam.
GAMT501 - Clinical Internship
In the onsite student massage clinic you will apply the principles, techniques and practices of massage therapy on public clients by appointment. A licensed massage therapy instructor will supervise your hands on application during clinic. You will demonstrate the proper use of student intake and communication skills, draping procedures, body mechanics, massage/bodywork techniques, and follow up documentation. You will evaluate client history for possible referral necessity.

Gould's Academy of Cosmetology Memphis


1203 Ridgeway Rd Ste 203
Memphis, TN 38119
PH: (901) 767-6647


8000 US Highway 64, Suite 108
Bartlett, Tennessee 38133
PH: (901) 842-1772
FX: (901) 842-1773